Nudie Jeans Brisbane


Designed as a physical manifestation of the brand. The brief for the 33-square-metre Nudie Jeans store in Fortitude Valley was to retain / repurpose, increase storage capacity and integrate circular design solutions. A custom made sustainable denim tile finish made from old traded-in Nudie Jeans and construction waste has been applied to the denim bar and wall fixtures. Developed in partnership with Nudie Jeans ANZ and Kandui Technologies.

Sustainability is at the core of the brand and to reflect this, repurposed elements, sustainable finishes and a sewing machine is built into the shopfront offering customers forever repairs.

Wherever possible re-purposed materials have been incorporated – the flooring, lighting tracks and even the façade, and also sourced local sustainable products such as Hoop pine, which is harvested from sustainable plantation forests and FSC certified.


Furniture: Working Stool: Specification: Pilates Air seat, black, Sewing Machine: Specification: Typical. Lighting: exisiting repurposed. Finishes: Tiles: Supplier: Nudie Jeans/ Kandui, Specification: Green ceramic tile made from old traded in Nudie Jeans and Construction waste 100x100x10m, Applied: Denim Bar, POS Counter, Repair station, wall fixtures, Plywood:, Supplier: Forest One, Specification: Designer Ply, AC Hoop pine, Applied: Joinery on denim bar, fitting room, wall cubbies, Curtain:, Supplier: Kvadrat, Specification: Divina Meldge 3, Colour 0227, Applied: Fitting Rooms, Paint, Supplier: Dulux, Specification: Narrow Neck, Low sheen, Applied: Walls/ Ceiling, Rug, Supplier: Nudie Jeans, Specification: Custom recelyed rug provided by Nudie Jeans
Peggy Board: Supplier: Forest, AC1 – PRONG, Specification: Prong, 100 mm


Photgraphy: Andew Porfyri